Revocation Of Sale And Purchase Agreement Dated 27 November 2019 Between Sunsuria City Sdn. Bhd. (SCSB) And Sunsuria Everrich Sdn. Bhd. (SESB)

BackApr 23, 2021
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description Sunsuria Berhad ("Sunsuria" or the "Company") - Revocation of Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 27 November 2019 between Sunsuria City Sdn. Bhd. (SCSB) and Sunsuria Everrich Sdn. Bhd. (SESB)

(Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meaning as those given to them in the announcements made on 9 May 2016, 27 November 2019 and 29 November 2019.)

The Board of Directors of Sunsuria wishes to announce the following:

  1. Revocation of the Proposed Acquisition, which SCSB, SESB and Welcome Global had on 23 April 2021 entered into a Deed of Revocation to revoke and rescind the SPA.
  2. Upon the disposal of SESB’s shares held by Welcome Global, Welcome Global shall cease to be a party to the Shareholders Agreement and the shareholders’ equity interest in SESB shall be adjusted accordingly.

Please refer to the attachments for further details on the announcement.

This announcement is dated 23 April 2021.

Please refer attachment below.

Announcement Info

Date Announced 23 Apr 2021
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-11032021-00038


  1. Sunsuria_Berhad___Deed_of_Revocation_SPA_(23042021).pdf (Size: 168,270 bytes)