Type | Reply to query |
Reply to Query Letter by KLSE reference ID | ME-040127-69213 |
Subject | Unusual Market Activity |
The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to inform that pursuant to and apart from the announcement made by Commerce International Merchant Bankers Berhad on behalf of the Company on 14 January, 2004, there are no other material development in the Company or in the Group's businesses or affairs. The Directors have no knowledge on the cause of the unusual market activity in the Company's shares.
We draw your attention to the sharp decrease in price with high trading volume
in your Company’s shares today.
In accordance with paragraph 9.11 of the Exchange’s Corporate Disclosure Policy
on Response To Unusual Market Activity, you are requested to furnish the
Exchange with an announcement for public release after a due enquiry seeking
the cause of the unusual market activity in the Company’s securities. When
considering your response and when making the required announcement, your
attention is particularly drawn to the continuing disclosure requirements set
out in Chapter 9 of the Listing Requirements of Malaysia Securities Exchange
The announcement is to reach the Exchange within one (1) market day via KLSE
Listing Information Network
(“KLSE Link”).
Yours faithfully
Development & Sector Head
Listing Compliance
Group Regulations
Stock Name | MAICA |
Date Announced | 28 Jan 2004 |
Category | General Announcement |
Reference No | CQ-040128-37195 |