Nomination Committee (Amended Announcement)

BackNov 29, 2004

Amended Announcements
Please refer to the earlier announcement reference number: CQ-041028-47507

Type Announcement
Subject Nomination Committee

Contents :

We refer to the Company's announcement made on 18 November 2004 regarding the appointment of Encik Mohtar Bin Abdullah, an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company, as a member of the Nomination Committee.

We wish to inform that there was an error in Table A in that the name of a director and the position of a member were misquoted. The correct composition of the Committee should be as shown below:-
Table A

Name Position
1. Tan Sri Dato' Tan Hua Choon MEMBER
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
2. LEE YU-JIN Member
Independent Non-Executive Director
3. Mohtar Bin Abdullah Member
Independent Non-Executive Director
(Note: Corrections are typed in capital letters).


Announcement Info

Stock Name MAICA    
Date Announced 29 Nov 2004  
Category General Announcement
Reference No CQ-041125-45124