
BackMar 17, 2014
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description Article headlined “Maica plans major cash call” appearing in The Edge Malaysia dated March 17 – March 23, 2014.


The Board of Directors of Malaysia Aica Berhad ("the Company") refers to the article headlined "Maica plans major cash call" appearing in The Edge Malaysia dated March 17 - March 23, 2014 and wishes to clarify that the Company is currently in the midst of considering a potential fund raising exercise of the Company.


The Company will make the necessary announcement to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities"), at the appropriate time upon finalisation of the terms and timing of the proposed fund raising exercise, if any, in accordance with Bursa Securities' Main Market Listing Requirements.


This announcement is dated 17 March 2014.


Announcement Info

Stock Name MAICA    
Date Announced 17 Mar 2014  
Category General Announcement
Reference No CC-140317-63494