General Meetings: Outcome of Meeting

BackMar 29, 2019


Type of Meeting Extraordinary General Meeting
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 29 Mar 2019
Time 11:30 AM
Sunsuria City Celebration Centre, Persiaran Sunsuria, Bandar Sunsuria, 43900 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Outcome of Meeting

The Board of Directors of Sunsuria Berhad ("Company") is pleased to announce that all the resolutions as set out in the Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") dated 14 March 2019 have been passed by the Shareholders of the Company at the EGM today.

The voting in respect of the resolutions was carried out by way of poll and the results were validated by Quantegic Services Sdn Bhd, an Independent Scrutineer appointed by the Company. Please refer to the attachment for the results of the poll. 

This announcement is dated 29 March 2019. 

Please refer attachment below.

Voting Results

Resolution Vote in favour Vote Against Results
No. of Shares % No. of Shares %
1. Proposed Allotment and Issuance of 65,083,000 ordinary Shares in Sunsuria to Ter Capital Sdn Bhd at an issue price of RM0.655 per share for a total consideration of RM42,629,365  
156,089,300 99.999900 100 0.000100 Carried
2. Proposed Establishment of Employees' Share Option Scheme ("ESOS") up to 10% of the total number of Issued Shares of Sunsuria  
584,290,480 92.804800 45,300,000 7.195200 Carried
3. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Tan Sri Datuk Ter Leong Yap 
110,789,300 99.999900 100 0.000100 Carried
4. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Koong Wai Seng 
584,080,380 100.000000 0 0.000000 Carried
5. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Tan Pei Geok 
491,677,780 99.842700 774,600 0.157300 Carried
6. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Dato' Quek Ngee Meng 
583,465,780 99.867400 774,600 0.132600 Carried
7. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Datin Loa Bee Ha
569,426,280 99.993800 35,300 0.006200 Carried
8. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Puan Sri Datin Kwan May Yuen 
108,790,600 99.967700 35,100 0.032300 Carried
9. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Ter Leong Ping 
110,754,200 99.968300 35,100 0.031700 Carried
10. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Ter Shin Nie 
110,754,200 99.968300 35,100 0.031700 Carried
11. Proposed allocation of ESOS Options to Ter Shin Ann
110,754,200 99.968300 35,100 0.031700 Carried



Announcement Info

Date Announced 29 Mar 2019
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-25032019-00004


  1. Sunsuria_-_EGM_Result_on_Voting_by_Poll.pdf (Size: 56,638 bytes)