Multiple Proposals

BackMay 22, 2015
Type Announcement


Reference is made to the announcements made by Sunsuria on 28 March 2014, 3 April 2014, 14 April 2014, 17 April 2014, 12 May 2014 and 3 October 2014, and the circular to shareholders of Sunsuria dated 18 April 2014 (“Circular”) in relation to, inter-alia, the renounceable rights issue of up to 475,084,416 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Sunsuria (“Sunsuria Shares”) (“Rights Shares”) on the basis of three (3) Rights Shares for every one (1) existing Sunsuria Share held on an entitlement date to be determined and announced later (“Entitlement Date”), together with up to 158,361,472 free detachable warrants (“Warrants”) on the basis of one (1) Warrant for every three (3) Rights Shares subscribed for (“Rights Issue with Warrants”).

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Sunsuria (“Board”), RHB Investment Bank Berhad, AmInvestment Bank Berhad and Astramina Advisory Sdn Bhd are pleased to announce that Sunsuria had obtained written irrevocable and unconditional undertakings from the following shareholders:

  1. Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Ter Equity Sdn Bhd and Ter Capital Sdn Bhd vide their letter dated 22 May 2015 to subscribe in full for their respective entitlements under the Rights Issue with Warrants based on their shareholdings as at the Entitlement Date and to subscribe for and take up additional Rights Shares not taken up by other entitled shareholders of Sunsuria (“Shareholders”) by way of excess Rights Shares applications such that their total subscription of Right Shares amounts to at least RM250.0 million in value/subscription proceeds;
  2. Ruby Technique Sdn Bhd vide its letter dated 22 May 2015 to subscribe in full for its entitlement under the Rights Issue with Warrants based on its shareholdings as at the Entitlement Date and to subscribe for and take up additional Rights Shares not taken up by other entitled Shareholders by way of excess Rights Shares applications such that its total subscription of Right Shares amounts to at least RM22.8 million in value/subscription proceeds;
  3. Tan Kim Heung and Lai Ming Chun @ Lai Poh Lin vide their letter dated 22 May 2015 to subscribe in full for their respective entitlements under the Rights Issue with Warrants based on their shareholdings as at the Entitlement Date and to subscribe for and take up additional Rights Shares not taken up by other entitled Shareholders by way of excess Rights Shares applications such that their total subscription of Right Shares amounts to at least RM38.4 million in value/subscription proceeds; and
  4. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Richard Koh Kin Lip vide his letter dated 22 May 2015 to subscribe in full for his entitlements under the Rights Issue with Warrants based on his shareholdings as at the Entitlement Date and to subscribe for and take up additional Rights Shares not taken up by other entitled Shareholders by way of excess Rights Shares applications such that his total subscription of Right Shares amounts to at least RM7.5 million in value/subscription proceeds.

(collectively, the “New Undertakings”).

Kindly refer to Appendix I of this announcement for further details on the New Undertakings.

The Company is in the midst of finalising the underwriting arrangement for the remaining portion of the Rights Shares for which no undertaking to subscribe has been obtained. Such underwriting agreement will be entered into by the Company with the relevant underwriter(s) in due course.

This announcement is dated 22 May 2015.



Announcement Info

Date Announced 22 May 2015
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-22052015-00048



  1. Appendix_I.pdf (Size: 14,121 bytes)